With the new year quickly approaching, a career change will be at the top of many people’s new year’s resolution lists. The good news is that the employment market is becoming more and more competitive for employers looking to fill positions. According to the November Jobs Report released by the BLS, the unemployment rate is at a nine-year low. In November alone, more than 178,000 new jobs were added, beating expectations and sending the stock market surging.
Let’s take a look at which economic sectors are performing the best and adding the most jobs. The biggest areas of growth were in administrative and support services, healthcare, and professional and business services. Notable gains were also made in the construction sector. Of particular note, residential specialty contracting added more than 15,000 new jobs over from October to November. In the administrative and support services sector, one of the biggest gains in job growth was in employment services, which added more than 21,000 new jobs over the month.
As expected, leisure and hospitality grew at a comfortable rate, with the strongest growth in food services. Accounting and bookkeeping added more than 17,000 new jobs, a surprise to many forecasters. Another surprise in the November Jobs Report was growth in local government, which added more than 14,000 new jobs over the month.
The largest declines were in the retail trade, specifically among clothing and accessory stores, an industry that lost more than 17,000 jobs over the month, largely due to the increased competition from online retailers such as Amazon. The information industry, specifically publishing, broadcasting, and motion pictures also suffered job losses. Among professional and business services sector, which fared well for the most part, job losses were seen in the advertising industry.
With the shifts in the employment market and so many opportunities opening up, many people will be seeking to a career change in the near future. We asked Senior Resume Writer, Graham Nelson, who has more than ten years of experience helping people advance their careers, what advice he would give to people looking to make a career move in 2017. “The new year is a time for reflecting on the skills you have developed and the experiences that have shaped you. Take stock of your skill set and consider how you can impress onto a new employer how you are capable of meeting the upcoming challenges in the new year.” Graham also added, “It is tremendously helpful to meet with a professional if you are considering a career change. A professional will help you assess your skill set, market yourself effectively, and meet your goals.”
Are you considering a career move? Based on data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, here are six of the fastest growing, high paying occupations to look for in 2017:
1.) Nurse Practitioner
2.) Physical Therapist
3.) Statistician
4.) Physician Assistant
5.) Operations Research Analyst
6.) Personal Financial Advisor
With the new year approaching, we wish you the best of luck on your job search. It is never too early to start looking for a new job, whether it is because you do not have one, are tired of your current one, or just want a change of pace in your life. Remember, a key to getting that initial interview is having a great resume that highlights your skills, accomplishments, and potential. Razor Edge Resumes offers free resume consultations and an array of services for the motivated job seeker. Email your resume to resumes@razoredgeresumes.com or call us at 1-800-730-3244 to speak with a professional resume writer today.