If you are successful in finding a decision maker, you will be more successful in selling yourself as a potential employee. In today’s world where thousands of inquiries fall on deaf ears, it is time to find those who want to hear your story. Here are some suggestions developed from years as an executive recruiter.

1). Travel in the Same Circles
A female client of mine, in the early days of cell phones accepted a sales position in that industry. She decided that the best place to find customers was on golf courses. She carried her phone and 30 pound battery pack to club houses and offered it’s use to make calls to the office or the spouses of the players. Even at a price of several thousand dollars, she outsold every rep ion her company. Frequent places where decision makers are to be found.
2). Stand Out in Your Industry
As a recruiter, finding outstanding talent was always a challenge. We would look for intelligence, strong communication skills and respect in the industry. We found all these attributes in people active in industry organizations and publications.
3). Find Someone Who Knows Someone
It comes back to 7 Degrees of Separation. I met a man and within a short time, we found out the following. 1) He lived in a town I had lived in 20 years ago. 2). His best friend had married the daughter of a man I had worked for in high school. Someone you know, knows someone who knows someone you want to know. Canvass people you run into and you would be surprised how quickly you can find your goal.
4). Manage your Social Media
Keep your Linkedin profile updated. Participate in Twitter, Facebook, even Pinterest and Tumbler if you can reach people through them. Publish a blog. The electronic age allows you to reach thousands of people.
About RazorEdgeResumes
RazorEdgeResumes is the executive resume writing division of A Better Resume Service, Inc., combining more than 25 years of resume writing experience. We offer a full range of career search services, from LinkedIn profile optimization to resume writing and personal branding. We are able to analyze your specific situation and needs in order to provide personalized services that will help you get the career you deserve. With a proven track record of helping clients in all kinds of industries, put your trust in RazorEdgeResumes to help you take your career to the next level. For a free resume consultation by one of our experienced writers, email your resume to resumes@razoredgeresumes.com or schedule an appointment online here.